By Char-azard - 17/05/2016 09:03 - New Zealand - Napier

Today, my father bought a pair of fancy noise cancelling headphones. He doesn't realise that the noise cancelling function only slightly muffles the moaning and screaming in the porn he's watching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 339
You deserved it 1 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

l_ 19

I don't think he understands the purpose of noise-cancelling headphones.


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dietcoke09 25

It seems like you're including a personal experience in that comment..

I am so disturbed by the image implanted in my head by your vivid FML. I need brain bleach.

He does realise noise cancelling only blocks out outside side not internal sound. They have headphones just for that too.

l_ 19

I don't think he understands the purpose of noise-cancelling headphones.

I am sure he does, I don't think OP understands the purpose of them. Could be that neither of them do.

How does OP not understand the purpose of them?

I should hope they're loud enough to let others know they need to back off! Can you imagine having to return noise canceling headphones because people aren't able to hear the **** you watch?! That would be humiliating!

Yes! Yes! Your FML is so awesome! Keep going. Yeah, that's it! Yes, oh yes!

he does understand, that they cancel outside noise, not cancel noise from traveling out of the headphones, right?