By lunarboy - 17/02/2009 00:24 - United States

Today, I decided to watch some porn before bed. The lights were off and my roommate was already asleep behind me. I put on my noise-canceling headphones and turned up the volume all the way. After a few strokes my roommate got up and plugged in the headphones for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 701
You deserved it 68 934

Same thing different taste


XYZzzzzzzz 0

a few strokes... i dont need to hear that

at least his roommate "gave him a hand"

lindsey_grace 3

i guess those headphones weren't really noise-canceling.

blinkingstarlet 15

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That's what the thumbs up bouton is for.

If you re-read the FML you will realize that he had not plugged in the headphones.

quite the illiterate group we have here.

threefitty25 0

Haha I got a worse one. I caught my roomate "finishing" on his girl, he had left the door unlocked and the mood music up. He never heard me walk in.

Blind_Ninja 0

This story is bogus. If the head phones weren't plugged in, you would have known. Unless, of course, you're that much of an idiot and you just assumed that your movie had no sound and, by some miracle of God, those noise-canceling headphones actually cancel noise even when they're not outputting sound. If you're going to make up a story for this site, at least make it good. You fail. Epically.


noise canceling head phones cancel all sound just enough that any sounds coming from inside are louder. So he would still hear it and possibly think it was a quiet movie(as some are.) I must say however only an awesome roommate would plug in the headphones he could have done a lot worse.(yelled at you to stop or my favorite punch you) lol

If ones headphones are half way in the jack, then sound is emitted from both the computer speakers, and the headphones. Also, the headphones might be the ones that cancel out the inside noise, rather than the inside. Either way, pretty funny scenario, but as the Blind Ninja pointed out, could be fake, just because of the wording.

It would be literally impossible for somebody to have headphones on, have loud speakers, and not notice that the sound was coming from the speakers instead of the headphones. Anybody try it. There's no way to confuse the two. Ever.