By Anonymous - 27/08/2014 21:50 - United States - Franklin Park

Today, I bought some noise-canceling headphones. They work well. Too well. My mom came home, unpacked her shopping, walked upstairs, knocked on my door, opened my door, and found me jacking off to a porno, all without me hearing a thing. Fucking hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 388
You deserved it 43 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really gotta watch it with those things..Try using just one..

Yeah I was just about to say... That's why you only wear one while doing that man. That's just stupid lol that's jack off 101


Reminds me of a picture I read. Mom texts her son like, "Son, what are you doing?" And the picture was screenshot on Pornhub. xD

Why on earth would you wear noise-canceling headphones while jerking off? Isn't it important to hear your surroundings so you don't get caught? *shakes head* YDI for not using common sense!

If she wasn't home, why did you need to use noise canceling headphones?

crazytwinsmom 25

He didn't want to miss any of the great dialogue due to outside noise.

ShadowlessSpear 21
tanabanana13 14

For the surround sound realism! It's like OP was THERE!

ha notice canceling ..and eye disturbing...

Rawrshi 25

Lock the doors, close the blinds, divert mirrors away. Only then is it safe to play. I mean, really. That's basic masturbation etiquette. Well, and only having one headphone on/in and maybe the tv on for coverage noise. Just in case!

RedPillSucks 31

Damn. How much noise do you make while masturbating?

Rawrshi 25

I apologize but I don't know the volume levels of my masturbation in any way that I would be able to explain. It varies from person to person, I'm sure. All I know is tv either covers it or others in my house don't care regardless. Either way, I lock my door and close the window. xD

PoisonOrchid 21

Lol a little common sense goes a long way..