By nilssonfan - 17/11/2010 08:08 - United States

Today, I bought one of my favorite albums from when I was growing up. When I looked at the liner notes, I learned that my favorite song on the album wasn't about taking a bath, but about going to a brothel. My second-favorite isn't about moving, but about suicide. My childhood just shattered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 847
You deserved it 5 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's funny how things are different when were older hey. like the play school song :|

Since the username says “nilssonfan”, I’m gonna guess she means “Bath” and “Without You” by Harry Nilsson.


starberries 0

Your childhood did not shatter. Your childhood is in the past. Now you're a big girl and you can deal with adult topics. STFU.

DanielleTheOne 3

I found out recently that 'Paradise by the Dashboard Light' is about a guy telling a girl he loves her just to get in her pants... All those years i thought it was about baseball :D

Yeah, a couple songs did that to me too...the words change when you get older...

This is why I stopped looking up song lyrics and trying to figure out the meaning of songs. I can't listen to them the same way again. Then again, most of the new songs I listen to just sound like gobbledy-gook on the outside, so I would actually have to spend time looking up a bunch of information just to figure it all out. Reminds me of Rocko's Modern Life. It was great when I was a kid, but now when I watch it I just laugh harder because of all the adult jokes in it that I didn't notice before.

zoelovee 0

I LOL'ed when I saw this. Oh well, you'll get over it?:P

this happened to me too! when i was a kid i jammed to the band "Cannibal Corpse" and my favorite song was "hammer smashed face" featured in ace ventura. come to find out that song is really about a hammer smashed face.

Poor baby, there's alot worse things that happen. If THAT shattered your childhood, I'll tell you a story about mine

Is that album by Green Day? Cuz that sounds like Welcome to Paradise and Basket Case from International Superhits to me

What song is your second favorite, OP?