Have some patience

By Anonymous - 07/07/2022 18:00 - Switzerland

Today, waiting times in our emergency department were so long that a patient who'd initially presented with just a sprained ankle eventually presented with a sprained ankle and a request to test for STDs because he went to see a prostitute instead of waiting, and his condom broke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 074
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He must have been quite horny to hobble over to the hooker with a sprained ankle. Most people forego sex with just a headache.

You might also do a test for ADHD, because that's a rarin' case of attention span problems if ever I've seen one. And I HAVE ADHD...


He must have been quite horny to hobble over to the hooker with a sprained ankle. Most people forego sex with just a headache.

You might also do a test for ADHD, because that's a rarin' case of attention span problems if ever I've seen one. And I HAVE ADHD...