By bathroomgirl - 11/08/2011 16:09 - United States

Today, thinking I was alone in a public bathroom, I started singing the words to my favorite song. A minute later that I heard a toilet flush, so I just sat there petrified. The other person sarcastically picked up the singing from where I left off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 072
You deserved it 37 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

staychill 16

yeah, don't sing in a bathroom that isn't your own.


staychill 16

yeah, don't sing in a bathroom that isn't your own.

Pixxio_O 11

That my friend, was bonding :')

Pixxio_O 11

Yup because it was her 'moment' in the toilet...

iluvboobies 9

Should have harmonized together, OP. And should've used farts to lay down a nice beat.

NoWaySick 0

she was singin "Siitin on a toilet" reference to =3 **

Yeah, I'm with 64, like what's wrong with a little bathroom acapella?

don't tell me what to do. I can song wherever I wanna fool. XD

75 RWJ rules. If that happened to me I'd be like " are you done?" then yell regardless of answer " WELL SHADDAP THEN!!!"

imthatguythatdid 0

Yes i JIZZED IN MY PANTS!!!! (i jizzed inmypants, yes-i-jizzedinmypants) AHHHH-UHH-UH

fadingfaith 4

#139 sing the song Friday. Does that answer your question?

Y'all shoulda just broken out in a duet then and there!

Jvr91 8

Yeah maybe he just likes that song too

I hope it was sarcastic. That'd make this fml as sweet as op described it.

elmogoezRAWR 0

That awkward moment where you wink at someone while talking about the lack of awkwardness.

lilpoet257 2

Except when it happened to you, you were taking it up the pooper.

I don't like your profile maddog. You started with an insult, followed by a "mother" joke (which lost it's hilarity looong ago), then followed with a compliment? Too contradictory. Also: KaySL is the female version of God on FML, except she only strikes when idiots need to be punished. I have creeped your profile, commented, and stated my opinion. Take it as you will.

Says KaySL is a Miss... Oh well... Nobody lies on the internet...

I'm on here like 24/7 for like 3 years & never heard of her...

Save it for the shower. It's much safer there!

Unless unknowingly, another person is in the shower with you. And you drop the soap.

iianalove987 7

"Doop, doop, doop, doop, another one bites the dust! And another one's gone, and another one's gone, another one bites the dust yeah...."

Hey, I'm gonna get you too! Another one bites the dust!

"There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man. And bring him to the ground. You can beat him. You can cheat him. You can treat him bad, and leave him when he's down." I love that song!