
By Anonymous - 22/01/2024 08:00 - United States

Today, I brought my Tinder date back to my house to cook for her. I made her gnocchi, because she had never had it before. She forgot to tell me she was lactose intolerant, and proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes violently and loudly shitting. I poisoned my date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 611
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP sorry that was shitty experience for both of you! ... This wasn't your fault, but in the future I'd recommend going to a restaurant that you both agree on until you know each other better. It doesn't have to be an expensive restaurant. That way if there are food allergy or dietary restrictions it will not be anything your date could conceivably blame you for. I would suggest that if the date seemed to go OK before the food related incident that you contact her and tell her you hope she's feeling better - Who knows maybe you'll get another date.

Wadlaen 23

At least it turned out to be a night you'll remember...


OP sorry that was shitty experience for both of you! ... This wasn't your fault, but in the future I'd recommend going to a restaurant that you both agree on until you know each other better. It doesn't have to be an expensive restaurant. That way if there are food allergy or dietary restrictions it will not be anything your date could conceivably blame you for. I would suggest that if the date seemed to go OK before the food related incident that you contact her and tell her you hope she's feeling better - Who knows maybe you'll get another date.

Wadlaen 23

At least it turned out to be a night you'll remember...

Yes this is true that most types of gnocchi but most people use an alfredo type sauce to put it in which is cream based.

EricW 4

I’m curious to know what kind of gnocchis are made with milk…