By 27musiclover - 16/08/2009 14:41 - United States

Today, my best friend told me I'm the friend who no one really likes. This was after I had bought her lunch, ice cream, and a ticket to a movie we were going to see that day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 656
You deserved it 5 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just tell her she's the bitch no one really likes.

lunch....$20 ice cream....$3.50 movie ticket....$9.99 getting ditched by all your friends.... PRICELESS


GGnoRe 0

im going to say this is ur fault. u should have picked up the signs before that point

Actually alot of people are obvlious to the fact when people don't like them.

Yeah I know, it's real annoying. They don't take the subtle hints, like the naaaw sorry I couldn't make its, and they don't pick up on the obvious ones either, like **** off I don't want to hang out with you. Lingerers, man

Many people just suck at communicating and rarely/never SAY what they MEAN. "It's not a big deal if we don't hang out. In fact, it's a bigger deal that you haven't said this because every second you continue the charade is a waste of my ******* time."

YDI for being the one that no one likes.

mekeskidi_fml 0

Actually, she's been honest with you.

dudeitsdanny 9

No, she deserves it for not springing for the sprinkles

Hey, don't blame the guy. I can easily see that happening to me (and I might be that guy in the future). He could easily be Dyssemic ( I know for sure that I am. -JC

surescope 0

Just tell her she's the bitch no one really likes.

sireen 0

awww Im sorry that happened to you. you don't need them. stay as far from them as possible. trust me it sucks :|

Your friend was just keeping it real. Good friends tell the truth, no matter how much it hurts. I appreciate that kind of honesty in a friend.

The question is, though... was she being honest because she thought the OP should know, or was she being honest because she actually ISN'T the OP's friend, and was just yanking her along this whole time? OP, sucks, maybe you should ask her what's so damn bad about yourself? If nothing else, you have a charitable nature...

Good friends use tact and compassion. Outright stating that the OP is the friend no one likes is just plain mean and doesn't help at all. WHY is she that friend? Is there something she could be doing differently? Saying, "We need to talk about (insert issue)" is a lot more helpful and kinder than saying, "By the way, no one likes you."

pinksprankles 2

Dang that really sucks... But why would your 'friend' tell you that? Like if i were them I wouldn't tell one of my friends something like that lol.

She was being honest. So give her props for that. … and maybe it's true. Examine yourself.


I don't see how this is in any way funny, but ok

Ligerie 0

well maybe she likes you but your other friends are fake, and she decided to be honest. That happened with this guy a know, hes the friend everyone kind of makes fun of, when his real friend told him he didn't believe him, and now they don't speak.

And what had he done to this "real friend", that he should take such revenge? Honestly, people, this is adolescent bullshit...