By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 12:09 - Canada

Today, I baked a chicken pot pie in the oven. I pulled it out, and noticed a big piece of tasty-looking, flaky pastry had come loose. Without thinking I ripped it off and popped it into my mouth. I HEARD the skin on the inside of my cheeks burn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 456
You deserved it 85 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God, I'm so hungry now. FYL though.

So what does it sound like? Just a general sizzle?


geesquared 0

#4- hannibal lector FTW (silence of the lambs)

BulldogQB4 0

You deserve it, you pulled something right out of the oven for crying out loud. It would still be delicious when it's a few hundred degrees cooler.

you don't have skin on the inside of your cheeks......

Didn't it feel hot when you ripped it off?

I never can wait for my food to cool either. I burn my tongue almost every day.

Spiffy 0

Didn't it burn your fingers first if it was THAT hot?

yes, you do have skin on the inside of your cheeks #70, you're an idiot

#68, is hannibal lector a cross between hannibal lecter and phil spector? Like a cannibal with a ridiculous hairdo? #70 and #74, No, you don't have skin on the inside of your cheeks - not if you just ate something out of the oven ;) #73, how do you feel stating such an original thought? Can't people read the previous comments? #72, not to rain on your parade, but that is a very big risk for mouth cancer. Don't do it.

Eh I've done that tons of times. Not an FML.

foreverxalwaysx 0

I don't see how you wouldn't have burnt your fingers and then dropped it. But either way, that sucks.