By anonymous - 27/03/2013 23:55 - United States - Honolulu

Today, I awoke to my husband talking to someone on the phone at 2am. I heard him say, "Baby you're making me hard." Immediately, I asked him who he was talking to. His response? "It's Jake, from State Farm." FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 158
You deserved it 9 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So he's either cheating on you with a woman, a man, or he's just really enthusiastic about car insurance.


although the situation is far from funny...that response made me laugh out loud. Eep...Im horrible :-

Either he is playing a joke on you or he is cheating on you either way his immedient response of "Jake from state farm" is pretty funny but FYL

laoxo16 10

His response is epic, but his actions are quite the reverse. Hopefully he isn't really cheating OP

He most certainly is cheating... And he's stupid too... Second opinion... Ok and jake is gay so its not even a women he cheated with.. Sorry op

Ya jake makes him hard, really great car insurance...

Your husband is a genius...a jackass, but a genius