By Machine - 19/02/2009 12:18 - Japan

Today, I asked to borrow my fat friend's pants for a semi-formal activity tomorrow. I figured I'd just get a belt to hold the pants up. Turns out, the pants fit me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 831
You deserved it 63 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xolotl 0

So, you called your friend fat then you fit her pants. Sounds about right. Karma. F your friend's life for having a friend that calls her fat.

If your friend saw this FML they would be totally hurt.


xolotl 0

So, you called your friend fat then you fit her pants. Sounds about right. Karma. F your friend's life for having a friend that calls her fat.

If your friend saw this FML they would be totally hurt.

I just don't understand why you didn't have your own pants? Bahahaha @ "congrats on being just as fat."

@ Whoop (#9) Then he would post about it on FML!

I agree completely with 12. People are so easily offended nowadays. Jeez. Her friend was fat. So? Fat is not necessarily a bad thing. You dance around so many simple things by using all this soft language but it's all for stuff that's really neutral to begin with. Fat is simply an adjective. Any negative spin you put on it is your own issue to deal with.

red_apples 0

Lol@ #10 . And #18 makes a good point. Would love to see THAT FML.

KatieWagnerFab 0

Well...I guess you're fat too :D

zachattack 0

"Today, my friend called me fat. FML" I could see your friend saying that.