By Username - 23/08/2011 15:55 - United States

Today, I asked my two children why they smelled like pee after we had gotten lunch at McDonald's. They told me that they were playing in the puddles in the play-place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 807
You deserved it 4 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

krazy_glu3 0

Hopefully they didn't play in the 'mud' either...

FYL for letting your kids go into the play area at McDanks.


If they could not SEE, SMELL, and or TASTE the difference then FYL. Else, TDI. Lemonade anyone?

HelloNoora1 0

I play in those weird smelling sinks that's attached to the wall in the mens bathroom. So?

@104: Yeah... stay away from those playgrounds of the hose... you don't know who and what has been climbing all over them toys... :)

Helldemon 32

Who says she wasn't watching her kids? For all you know the piss could have been in puddles up in the tubes, is she supposed to crawl up into them with her children?

"Why do you smell like pee ?" "You won't take us to Key Lime Cove." "O_O"