By Whatthe - 18/04/2017 20:00

Today, I walked into a bathroom to find a dad telling his kids not play with the pee in the urinals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 111
You deserved it 369

Same thing different taste

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You should stick around for his next lecture: "Yes, It's Called a Urinal Cake, but Don't Eat It." The PowerPoint slideshow alone is worth it!


You should stick around for his next lecture: "Yes, It's Called a Urinal Cake, but Don't Eat It." The PowerPoint slideshow alone is worth it!

awildwhisper 30

I wish kids were built in with common sense.

Eh. Really young kids are like space aliens that just dropped onto the planet. You have to teach them <i>everything</i>.

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danieleinad 8
danieleinad 8

Were these guys playing in the puddles?

species4872 19
GIJoefan 6

Must be that type of urinal that holds water like a toilet does, and everything drains, but ONLY when flushed. Which it isn't 90% of the time. I hate that type of urinal and whoever invented it should be shot!