By Vincent - 02/01/2014 05:04 - United States - Overland Park

Today, I asked my mom why she had two tooth brushes: one manual and one electric. She said: "I only use the manual one for brushing my teeth." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 120
You deserved it 8 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jonahwalzer 12

I would not touch the other one if i were you....

Good luck getting that picture out of your head! I'd be scarred for life if I had that happen to me...


Four out of 5 female dentists recommend it.

So I guess you know what she's up to if she's in the bathroom for a long while.

bet your sorry you ever asked ahahahha

Vibrators are expensive these days! Lol hm be careful of what tooth brush you grab......

FMLworthy5000 21

Curiosity killed the cat... OP i think your a cat!

an3ph 20

This is why it is wise to think of possible answers before asking questions.