By Neverthebride - 22/05/2009 22:21 - United States

Today, I asked my best friend why she didn't ask our other best friend Anna to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. She said, "She's too pretty. I need ugly bridesmaids to make me look better." I am the maid of honor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 651
You deserved it 3 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what the bridesmaids dresses are for.

you should invite her to be the maid of honor at your wedding, and tell her its for the same reason.


Rawrrr14 0

first.... and wow, I hope she meant that as a joke

That's what the bridesmaids dresses are for.

nolasaints 0

wait wait wait!!! is this Laura? and the person getting married is Macie? because I'm Anna and I hav a best friend named Macie getting married and I wasn't asked. but hey thanks for letting me know I'm pretty!

at OP: next time, save us the effort and say "Im ugly, fml"...

jordan32195 0
jeanii_fml 4

QUIT!!! she'll have no other friends cuz shes such a bitch

Kick her ass. At least you wouldn't the "ugly bridesmaid" after that.

meeeep 0

i'm sure she was joking, i doubt a friend would say that..and number one shut the **** up, no one cares you're first.

you should invite her to be the maid of honor at your wedding, and tell her its for the same reason.

WomboCombo 0

Find uglier friends. Maybe hit the gym. Improve yourself. Beauty is only skin deep but ugly is to the bone.

Okay... did she laugh after saying that?? Holy crap.