By creeped_out_ - 24/06/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I am currently grounded for three weeks, have no car, cell phone, or television privileges, and am not allowed to spend more than 10 minutes on the computer a day. The reason why: I was seven minutes past my 9'oclock curfew. I'm 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 844
You deserved it 13 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh_dee 0

so you spent your ten computer minutes to write an fml? that's kind of fml worthy in itself.....

doodlebug93 0


Your life is completely ******. I'm sorry but you should just move out as soon as you can.

use your ten minutes to buy an ipodtouch online so you can text yeah u can text with it not only the iPhone get the app text free pay the 6 bucks and boom u can still text an check ur emails

aww dude i know how you mom plastered on a 10:00 curfew for me, but it only really applies with my boyfriend. i'm also 18, and it's freakin summertime =(

wow...just break shit all day long. if anyone tried to control me that much i would ****** bounce with no hesitation, take (your) car and get the **** out to anywhere.


if your in your parents house and living there there rules are your rules till you move out then your on your own so dont complain

Bullshet 0

It is a little unreasonable to be grounded for being a few minutes late, but it is their house. You can follow your own rules when you get your own place. Either your parents are control freaks or you always do things that make them not trust you. I don't know the whole story so I didn't put anything.

AXavierB 1

Everyone saying they're justified just because he's living in their house... just because he lives with them doesn't give them the right to control how late he stays out or where he goes. He's a grown man. Maybe he's unable to move out at this time. Believe it or not, people don't always have to throw themselves out of the house the second they turn eighteen. In fact, his age doesn't matter at all. Their house or not, they're being way too controlling. Even if he were fourteen or fifteen, such a strict punishment for something so arbitrary is ridiculous.

lol...i really thought i was the only one in the world with this problem.....i promise, the older you get, the more you can get away with. im almost 21 and i still have a midnight curfew.....i stay at friend's houses and tend to never be home anymore...ever.

you're 18 suck it up because if you still live with your parents, and they provide you with everything you have, food, clothes, money, a roof, they have a right to punish you for breaking the rules. at 18 you should have enough responsibility to get home on time, or even early, and anticipate traffic to accommodate to your parents' rules