By anonymiss - 13/04/2009 16:12 - Canada

Today, half asleep, I dropped my pill before I could take it. I quickly picked it up and washed it down. Five hours later, I just found my pill on the ground. What did I swallow? FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 806
You deserved it 25 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did you not even look at what you were swallowing?! thats what she said


It is VERY possible that you dropped more than one pill, that is, if it dropped while you were pouring the pill out of its bottle. I hope that's what happened.

hahahahaah @#8. can't stop laughing histerically. love this fml :D

Billystickyficky 0

stuff are better left unsaid

meningless 0

lol rat turd. it was a government exparamental nanobot that will make you into SUPPER MAN! lol 50 bill down the drain.

I've never seen a birth control pill that looks like rodent droppings, a tictac, or a dead bug. Usually they're white or yellow, and matte while tictacs are glossy. Chances are, you dropped another pill of some other type and didn't notice, and just found that one. You're probably safe; just think of all the medications you could have possibly been on, probably none of them are dangerous in a dosage the size of a birth control pill [which are pretty small, for anyone who doesn't know].

snoopy24_fml 0

since you clearly lived to write the FML, i'm guessing it couldn't have been THAT bad...

Why does everyone assume it's a birth control pill...? There are lots of things you need to take daily. @#2 My friend says that all the time, made me laugh to see it. :)