By sassy666 - 23/04/2018 10:00 - Canada - Whitehorse

Today, I checked my e-mail after being sick for over a week to see that I missed an important email. It said I got the job I applied for, if I responded to the message within 48 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 497
You deserved it 1 960

Top comments

AzrielB 8

How sick do you have to be to not check email? I was in the hospital with influenza and acute pneumonia recently and I still checked mine 5 times a day.

To bad. YDI. the ONLY way I go more than 1 day without checking email (especially if waiting on a job/career) would be if I was either in a Coma or Jail.


AzrielB 8

How sick do you have to be to not check email? I was in the hospital with influenza and acute pneumonia recently and I still checked mine 5 times a day.

Nej1988 6

It could be an email system that you have to access it from work, or pay a crazy amount to have access on a personal device. I had a job like that, could check it at work, but if I wanted to check from my laptop or phone, I had to buy a special ID scanner, that cost about $100.

AzrielB 8

then you have to ask why OP was applying to other jobs through their (probably monitored) work email and not their personal one

julfunky 29

If you’re going to apply for a job somewhere else I highly doubt they’d use their work email, especially if it operated the way you’re describing it.

Most mail servers allow forwarding. I get my work emails on my personal email addy, and I can decide whether to answer it or wait until I go in the next day

Unless you were really really sick there's no reason you couldn't have checked your email at least once a day

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

To bad. YDI. the ONLY way I go more than 1 day without checking email (especially if waiting on a job/career) would be if I was either in a Coma or Jail.

Big FYL at all the people claiming that they would always check their emails no matter how sick they are.

WHS_Kitty 8

I’m not “claiming “ it, and I don’t think anyone else is, either.

Not that I was talking to you, but what now?

Do you not get email notifications on your phone? YDI if you weren’t in a coma and still couldn’t check at least once during an entire week, especially when you’re expecting an important one.

Sorry you were sick but 100% ydi. You knew you were waiting for a response and getting email notifications is easy to do. I don't know anyone who wouldn't check at least twice a week.

Looks like fate prevented you from getting that job. The fact you were too sick to check email for a week and their ridiculous demand for a 48-hour reply are both highly unusual and conspired to keep that job out of reach.

I have an issue with the sort of place that would insist you respond within 48 hours. Granted, they'll probably want to offer it to the second in line if their first choice doesn't work out, but still. That said, I find it a bit hard to believe you were so sick you couldn't check your email. I check mine several times a day no matter how sick I am.

kev1029 22

How do people even miss emails anymore