By Anonymous - 03/06/2014 08:56 - United Kingdom - Dunmow

Today, despite years of paranoid checking, I forgot to check my towel for spiders after my shower. Two crawled onto me, and I'm pretty sure there's one somewhere in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 163
You deserved it 5 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fffianist 9

You have a spider crawling in your hair right now? You should make a text post about it.


Great just as I'm about to go to sleep... Suddenly I feel as if spiders are crawling over me. Yup not tired anymore...

this would be a lot worse if you weren't in the UK...

fuggotmuggot 14

I think you need to clean your house lol

There's a spider in your hair and you manage to write an FML? I myself would no doubt still be running and screaming like a lunatic, still naked! *runs to go check all the towels*

I can completely empathize with you. My fear of spiders developed one day after getting out of the shower and witnessed a spider crawling out of my underwear just before I pulled it on the whole way. Happened when I was 9.

Sweet mother of God, that WOULD happen. -_- deepest sympathy. I tend to get beetles in my towel (and thus my hair).

FYL for real. I would freak out, probably run around the house and cry hysterically. did you at least kill them? or find a big man to do it for you?

And now I will forever be checking my towel for spiders

You do that too?! Now I'm never going to stop doing that. lol