By awkwardencounters - 12/11/2013 11:18 - United States - Belleville

Today, at the gym, I realized the guy who has been staring at me for the past 3 days is the same guy I promised to text back 5 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 227
You deserved it 49 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

McNikk 15

You obviously deserve it for not texting him back.


Play it off. Pretend to recognize him and be like "why haven't you answered my text messages??" And just act like he hasn't been receiving them.


How is he a stalker? OP promised to text back, maybe he has just been wanting to talk to her.

Or they may just go to the same gym. That does not make him a stalker. I mean, I visit the grocery store and gym at the same time as the love of my life. All I have to do is make sure I'm not visible and to keep at least five meters distance at all times.

Considering she said he's been staring at her yea sounds stalkerish to me. Plus maybe she didn't want to be rude by telling him to f*** off so that's why she promised to text back

If she didn't want to talk to him, she definitely should not have promised to text him. She could have rejected him as politely as possible or just made up some excuse.

#24 " just made up some excuse." Like I promise to text you?

omgitsmoe 26
Medd_fml 13

He wasn't properly rejected though. He was led on and probably hurt/pissed off. The least OP can do is put up with a little staring.

crackz12 10

lol "properly rejected" she didnt text him that sounds like a shut down to me. take a hint. Time to stop starting at the girl and move on.

Evilscorpion891 3

No, a proper rejection is immediate so that guy can immediately put all focus and energy on other prospective females. The problem is, women who crave attention will lie to men, like the OP did, lead them on on purpose, waste days or weeks of that guys time (as much as possible) until he finallyyy abandons hope. And women do this for the sole purpose of parasitically stealing weeks of his attention, at his expense.. And then if that guy ever calls her out or stares her down for her selfish behavior, the girls blame the guy and call him a stalker (even tho he probably isn't in most cases including this one) and the girl justifies her lying based on that. When in reality she most likely rejected him for his appearance or height or money alone. God the majority of women disgust me..: no offense to the good women that are out there..

kyu_Q 19

I think most guys would appreciate a polite "I'm not interested " as opposed to what OP did.

67- Or OP could, y'know, put on her big-girl panties and go up to him to say something like "I'm sorry I never thought to text you. Wanna go out for coffee?" or if she wants, "I'm sorry I never texted you back, but I'm not interested in a relationship right now." Either way, OP deserves it.

McNikk 15

You obviously deserve it for not texting him back.

I kinda feel bad for the guy, keep your promises next time op.

Ch_rae5 19

I feel bad but at least the guy should say something and not just stare....

I feel like yeah it was kind of rude for OP to not text this guy back, but at the same time, if he's the kind of guy who five months later, is still being creepy as ****, OP kind of dodged a bullet there.

RedPillSucks 31

He's only been staring at her for the past 3 days. Could be he's a stalker and just now found her or it could be that he just now realized who she is.

oj101 33

Well, what if OP wasn't interested in him, and didn't want to put up with him? She is not obligated to text him. And to be fair, he dose sound a little obsessive if he's been staring at her. Should have just said hello once, or ignored her and move on.

She never said when later she would text him back...

I feel like she wouldn't be obligated to text him if she hadn't promised to text him back. I guess some people, like me, believe in honoring promises more than others. Having made that promise, then she has that obligation. Or at least to be a little considerate to his feelings. Most guys I know appreciate an honest rejection. And I'm not sure about the whole labeling a person that's been staring for 3 days as obsessive... I know girls that stare at a guy for years. Out of curiosity, anyone ever feel like somehow it's always ok when a girl stares at a guy but it's creepy if a guy stares at a girl? Or am I wrong?

And make sure to apologize for being such a flake OP!

OP should just go to a different gym after her membership ends. That's so awkward lol. She probably ended up not texting him for a reason, or at least was disinterested enough to forget to begin with.

"hey I know this is a bit late but a promise is a was your work out? I saw you at the gym today" how exactly do you expect that to go lol

euphoricness 28

Don't make promises you can't keep

DataRomance 18

Just reintroduce yourself and get the awkwardness past. Hopefully he will understand.


Play it off. Pretend to recognize him and be like "why haven't you answered my text messages??" And just act like he hasn't been receiving them.

Starting a relationship with lies isn't the best idea..

\ 28

Alright, now who's saying OP's starting a relationship of any kind??

True. Even a potential relationship or friendship. It never ends well when you start off lying.

Wolf87535 4

relationship does't have to mean a romantic one.

Mackay92 14

How would that work...then he will be expecting a text after that

#58 is right.. Lol. That would make things more awkward when he again "misses" the text.

trellz17 19

Or even better, don't make a promise you can't keep.

BaldoktheMystic 3

Don't make promises you don't WANT to keep

I guess he hasn't gotten over it. But for you, don't make promises you can't keep.

While it is definitely awkward, it's hard not to say it's deserved. Don't make a promise if you don't know if you can fulfill it. If you're still interested, though, might as well go for him!

Should have texted him back. Don't promise to do something if you're not going to do it. Even if he was creepy, all you had to do was say "no" to him. YDI big time.