Good boy

By Anonymous - 01/03/2024 19:00 - United Kingdom

Today, and ever since my girlfriend insisted we needed a dog, our lives have been taken over by the little bastard. She can’t leave without him chewing everything from separation anxiety. He bites me if I so much as walk near him. Neither of us want him anymore but she feels too guilty to rehome him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 455
You deserved it 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could be worse, imagine it was your child… If you cannot figure how to train your puppy, you will need to find it a new home. In the future consider an older dog if you feel the need for a dog.

Return it so they can rehome it to someone who knows what they're doing. F that puppy's life.


It could be worse, imagine it was your child… If you cannot figure how to train your puppy, you will need to find it a new home. In the future consider an older dog if you feel the need for a dog.

******* hire a God damned dog trainer, you lazy, worthless, sacks of flesh

Andrea Remer 8

crate or put it in a large carrier. don't leave it out. y'all definitely need to figure out if you're gonna put in time, effort ,and money and train it/get it trained. if not then don't be upset that it acts like that!

Also, maybe the Santa Claus effect could work in having the dog stop biting you. Ask your girlfriend to be the only one who feeds the dog or give it treats. That, plus doggy training classes, will work... as long as you both show up in class.

Return it so they can rehome it to someone who knows what they're doing. F that puppy's life.

If only there were a way to figure out how to train a dog, like some sort of videos or books, or a TV show or something. Or someone you could pay to train it. Sadly, no one has ever needed to train a dog before, so nothing like that exists. Idiot.

MistressAfrodite 5