My guy

By Anonymous - 03/01/2022 01:00 - United Kingdom - Newport

Today, I realised that the only friend who talks to me consistently is a guy who used to stalk me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 894
You deserved it 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

why would you talk to the guy who stalked you?

Looks like the stalking is over and the hunter has his prey.


Jon Tessler 14

why would you talk to the guy who stalked you?

Are you sure "used to" is the right term to use? Just checkingm

if someone was stalking me, And i didn't want the attention, I would have blocked them.

Looks like the stalking is over and the hunter has his prey.

diraven 15

It's good you're friends now

"Used to stalk you." You know things are going downhill when you start losing stalkers.