By leenibeani4 - 08/03/2010 03:12 - United States

Today, at the eye doctor, they asked for my birth date for the files. My dad answered quickly, "May 28, 1994." It was embarrassing to have to correct him with "April 19, 1993." Who's May 28? Way to go dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 170
You deserved it 2 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aha family love... maybe it was your secret sibling they have yet to tell you...0_o

the point of this isn't that he forgot the OPs birthday, but that he may have another sibling unknown to him, leading to the possibility that the OPs father is living a double life


You realise he was probably lying so you would get cheaper treatment don't you?

That's what I was thinking, too, based on the "quick" answer.

mrzero 0

you should find a better reson to FYL

maybe he has another daughter. lol my birthdays on april 19 as well.

I pity the fool that can't remember their kids birthday!

Giorgio272 2

look babe you just got played. Your dad has prob slept around so much it is hard to keep up with all the important dates. go adopt a cat or something then cry yourself to sleep.

perdix 29

Um. meet your new step-mom . . . and the recipient of your college fund. Our HS graduation gift to you is a job application to Wal*Mart and some surprisingly comfortable stiletto heels designed for the successful streetwalker. We were going to tell you on our honeymoon at Chuck E. Cheese's, but I guess the cat's out of the bag.

dudeitsdanny 9
Moonfang01 0

Okay? My dad always thought my birthday was 08/02/86 when it's 11/02/88. Only did he recently learn how old I really was. Like they said their just getting older. Not an FML. Besides, he was what? A Month Nine Days and One year off. Not bad by what other's parent's do.