By leenibeani4 - 08/03/2010 03:12 - United States

Today, at the eye doctor, they asked for my birth date for the files. My dad answered quickly, "May 28, 1994." It was embarrassing to have to correct him with "April 19, 1993." Who's May 28? Way to go dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 170
You deserved it 2 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aha family love... maybe it was your secret sibling they have yet to tell you...0_o

the point of this isn't that he forgot the OPs birthday, but that he may have another sibling unknown to him, leading to the possibility that the OPs father is living a double life


It's one thing to forget your great-aunt's birthday or how old your second cousin in England is. But it's kinda sucky for a parent to forget the birthday of their own child. I mean, your mom and dad created you, they raised you, they fed/clothed/sheltered you for almost two decades, they should remember one simple date. Unless they're old and descending into Alzheimer's like my mother...she calls me the dog's name, gets lost driving up the street to the store, and swears her Aunt Rose is still alive....but at least she remembered my birthday until she went gaga! It's not that the parent should be remembering the kid's birthday every second of the day, it's that AS A PARENT, they should have it memorized by now! Not knowing your own child's date of birth is pretty much a gigantic sign saying "I don't really care about you enough to know the basics about you, even if you're my own offspring". It's like a man not knowing his wife's eye color after fifteen years of marriage. A real "**** you" to the supposedly close relationship.

janise 2

I feel bad for those whose parents don't even know what year they were born in. Not knowing the exact date is somewhat excusable but parents should know the month and year of their kid's birthdate at the very least.

My mom mixes up my birth year. I was born in 1987, not 1989.

dudeitsdanny 9

I love how people with no pics attack snickerdoodles' appearance.

Either he's got a bad memory...................or a bad memory AND an extramarital affair with a kid born on May 28, 1994!

I know this girl with that same birthday...

that's what parents do my dad doesn't know how old I am