By leenibeani4 - 08/03/2010 03:12 - United States

Today, at the eye doctor, they asked for my birth date for the files. My dad answered quickly, "May 28, 1994." It was embarrassing to have to correct him with "April 19, 1993." Who's May 28? Way to go dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 170
You deserved it 2 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aha family love... maybe it was your secret sibling they have yet to tell you...0_o

the point of this isn't that he forgot the OPs birthday, but that he may have another sibling unknown to him, leading to the possibility that the OPs father is living a double life


beer01 0
canchremechanic 0

You're almost 17 and Daddy has to go with you to answer questions at the eye doctor's? THAT should be your FML. FAIL

rozsrredd 16

Under 18 can't legally sign forms or give consent unless emancipated. Are you really that ignorant?

doink 0

The only thing more annoying than Snickerdoodles are the people who feel the need to complain about every single thing she has to say.

bxenon 0
bxenon 0

everydody who posted a comment is a dumbass talking about stupid shit

#32 And the only people even more annoying than them are people like yourself who feel the need to comment on it.

doink 0

How clever of you. *golf clap*

"Who's May 28th?" I think it's the name of your dad's secret lover. Minus the "28th" part.

No, the 28th is there. It's just the screen name.

Today my Dad paid for my Doctor appointment. FML