Introvert life

By CaBur - 19/02/2013 22:03 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, at work I got in an elevator to go upstairs. It wasn't until the doors opened minutes later and people stepped in that I realized I had zoned out and forgot to press the button for the floor I needed. I then promptly exited the elevator and waited for the next elevator to go up in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 350
You deserved it 27 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JR_Goes_Rawr 11

Take the stairs next time? There are no buttons involved, and you get exercise. It's a win-win, unless you zone out again and forget to walk.

It's alright, I'm always.......... zoning out.


Authoress14 15

It happens to the best of us. Not as bad as you think it was. Shake it off, OP.

Yeah I agree. Everyone has days where they're not all there so to speak. If it happens multiple times a day for weeks on end, then be worried.

23Z9TZO 18

Is nearly every fml user trying to be dr. phil now?

Authoress14 15
JR_Goes_Rawr 11

Take the stairs next time? There are no buttons involved, and you get exercise. It's a win-win, unless you zone out again and forget to walk.

i don't know, i'd get lost if i took the stairs and also get off on the wrong floor. so it's just as bad.

Found my baby crying hard as babes could cry. What could i do??

My babys love had gone and left my baby blue. Nobody knew What kind of magic spell to use

AllThatHit 7

This should be added on the list of 50 things to do in an elevator

Missed your cup of joe, eh OP? It happens. One time when I was in New York during college application/ interviews, I fell asleep on a public bus. I woke up at the end of the bus route and had to call a cab to get back to the hotel. :P

That's happened to me plenty of times. Just be glad that your boss didn't see that.

That's the sort of thing I'd do... And frequently manage to do (not necessarily in an elevator).

Absent-mindedness happens to the best of us.

Wait... What? You've completely lost me. Which, I gather, is the point.

Everybody has little brain-fart moments, OP. It's a part of life. Don't sweat the small stuff.