By Jake - 29/04/2009 08:06 - Australia

Today, as I was taking an evening jog around my neighbourhood, I passed an elderly woman. I grinned at her as sign of friendliness to a common pedestrian. She grinned back. Whilst staring at my crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 095
You deserved it 6 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

old woman are horny! (and at least you know you got a good crotch)

Maybe you just thought she was. Or maybe you just got a hot date for tonight.


#40, apparently Jake does. It's not as bad as horrible grammar or horrendous spelling, in my opinion.

Meow34 0

So.. Can someone tell me how this is a FML?

...and here i am thinking that old people are asexual O_o

hahaha 41 seriously why do people on here word their stories like they are pretending to be intelligent. "she grinned back. whilst staring at my crotch" would look better as "she grinned back, staring at my crotch" if he used the word proceeded and whilst i would've had to punch him whilst he proceeded to bleed

My god I'm tired of the people complaining about there being "no good fml's" if u don't like it go to the next one... Or perhaps stop coming to the site.

At least you have a nice package supposedly. :-D

Is the OP by any chance british? because it makes more sense that the post was worded this way if the OP wasn't american.

"While I was walking down the street today, a young man approached me, grinning lecherously. I checked it out before I bought the goods, and paused at his crotch because a large and strangely coloured growth caught my eye. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I felt violated. FML."

ftsk_fan_12 0

hahahaha the only thing that makes this funnny is the sentence "whilst staring at my crotch." hahahahahahaha