By Jim Smith - 21/02/2009 02:37 - United States

Today, I went for a run and took my shirt off part way through. The next person I saw was a nine year old girl playing outside her house. She looked at me and said, "Ewwwwww! Gross!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 342
You deserved it 27 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KatieWagnerFab 0

Well, what you'd expect a 9 year old girl to do? Give you her number.

Well? People with flub bouncing when they run shouldn't be running shirtless. I don't think most guys should jog shirtless, but fat guys? C'mon.


Well? People with flub bouncing when they run shouldn't be running shirtless. I don't think most guys should jog shirtless, but fat guys? C'mon.

SilenceIsSilver 0

Actually, the kid could've been saying ew because she's a kid and 'naked' people gross her out. When I was 9 I thought boobs were tumors or something, and couldn't comprehend why people enjoyed having them. :p


I run with a shirt off all the time wtf

KatieWagnerFab 0

Well, what you'd expect a 9 year old girl to do? Give you her number.

karmaSUCKS321453 0

I'd smack her and expect her to make me a sammich, that's what!

33, lol but Sexist and hitting her is abuse

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Why the hell would you flirt with someone at 9!?!?! That's just ******* gross! Especially if the guys way older that you! And fat

xolotl 0

Yeah, don't worry too much about it. That's a typical 9 year old girl's reaction to a adult taking his shirt off. It was probably more about the fact that you'd done it than what you looked like. Hopefully, she's not used to it :)

right, though i know of quite a few 9 year old girls having sex. ha! eeewwww grosss haha... next time wait until you're inside your house to expose yourself

raymm 1

"i know of quite a few 9 year old girls having sex" Really? Call your city's children's aid society. That a criminal offence.

Mordakai420 6

29- Sarcasm is a virtue, my friend.

at the age of 9 she doesn't physically like boys yet. it's nothing to worry about.

Are you stupid!? People are born with their sexuality. Sure girls for a short period believe they're stinky and gross but that doesn't mean they cant be attracted to someone. When I was 9 (which is 3rd grade) I had crushes on boys

haha, i'm guessing you're not a girl, #15. i was joking about #6, but most girls i know can't remember the day they started liking boys. needless to say, we were a hell of a lot younger than nine.

I'm going to say I was about 4 and in kindergarten when I started liking boys. Although, I'm pretty positive I wasn't too in love with older men taking off their shirts and showing their hairy chests, because at 9 any boy or man taking of his shirt was gross. So I wouldn't worry about it, OP.

red_apples 0

Yeah, #16's right, I've started liking guys way before nine. And, LOL@#2. That nine year old is FIERCE.

#18, i certainly did not. that would be considered gross. i was just commenting on #15.