By Jake - 29/04/2009 08:06 - Australia

Today, as I was taking an evening jog around my neighbourhood, I passed an elderly woman. I grinned at her as sign of friendliness to a common pedestrian. She grinned back. Whilst staring at my crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 096
You deserved it 6 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

old woman are horny! (and at least you know you got a good crotch)

Maybe you just thought she was. Or maybe you just got a hot date for tonight.


Cougar! go for it! (she might have money)

TheZephyrSon 3

Hey, look at the bright side. Having a granny stare at your package is better than no one staring at your package, right?

prettyxdemented 0

I do hate when people do this... but... how is this a FML? "Some old woman stared at my crotch, my life is so OVER!" Really now. Chillax. At least you know you have some sort of appeal to the female species, no?

paradiso24 0

so what? your life isn't f***ed. nice try.

i dont understand how something that boils down to an old person checking out your dick makes it as an fml but my stories involving a 2nd degree burn on my face and getting my car vandalised don't. cry me a ******* river that someone thinks your attractive.

How do you even know she was checking you? Maybe your pants were unzipped, maybe she was looking at something on the ground. Even if she was checking out your junk, which I highly doubt, how is that an FML? Get over yourself

Yeah, I kind of have to agree about this not being much of a FML, though I usually hate the comments where people say that (in a whining way). I mean, if it IS true, then... yeah, she may be elderly, but she used to be a woman your age, you know. Just because she got older doesn't mean her taste necessarily got worse. I would just take it as a compliment.