By Anonymous - 20/02/2016 14:19 - United States - Abington

Today, my father used my birth certificate as a beer coaster. Accident or not, it pretty much perfectly sums up our relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 174
You deserved it 1 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry, OP. I know not having a good relationship with your father is both difficult and frustrating. However, considering your birth certificate is a necessary and important document, I'd hide it from him yourself the first chance you get. You'll need it in the future, and you're ****** if he ruins it

My dad would just say something along the lines of, "Your birth is the reason I drink anyway" to justify it.


Same with my dad. We barely speak to each other unless we have to. Sorry OP!

XxXBadAshXxX 27

Maybe try to put it somewhere safe so that doesn't happen again? But that sucks OP!

It was probably intentional... assuming you don't just leave a document as important as your birth certificate lying around.

depends on how messy someone is. it could happen to me, even though I try to be careful with important stuff.

I'm sorry, OP. I know not having a good relationship with your father is both difficult and frustrating. However, considering your birth certificate is a necessary and important document, I'd hide it from him yourself the first chance you get. You'll need it in the future, and you're ****** if he ruins it

I mean, I agree with most of this, but he isn't actually screwed if the birth certificate is ruined/damaged. It's pretty easy to get a replacement. I don't have terrible parents, but I do have very forgetful ones, so I've had to file mine as lost twice and get duplicates before I moved out and took it with me.

I agree with the person above me. It sucks having to replace it but it's pretty easy to do. It's just a pain especially if your a busy person.

Really? Where I live, you can't get a copy. If your ruin the original, you're screwed

Where I'm from its an extremely difficult, lengthy and costly process to replace a lost or ruined birth certificate

Even though he may not be a good dad, enjoy what you got, because it's been 9 years without mine. Just try to make the best out of it.

No. I'm sorry you lost your father but that doesn't mean op should appreciate his if his is a jackass.

countryb_cth 38

I have to agree with 25. I'm very sorry to hear that you lost your dad however that doesn't mean OP needs to appreciate theirs. Some people are just not good parents and their child should not be forced into liking them. Especially if the parents are neglectful like OP's or abusive. Sometimes it better for the child to just let go and not be in contact with their parents. Any boy can make a baby but it takes a real man to be a dad.

My dad has been dead for 12 years and he was a piece of shit. Not all fathers deserve to be appreciated. Telling someone to appreciate their asshole dad is ridiculous.

I was lying on my front, and while ironing his clothes, my dad used my behind as a table to put his ironed clothes on. I found it pretty funny, actually.

#11- It seemed a little bit like OP's story (except this isn't an FML in any way), so I thought I'd share it.

Well, might as well make yourself useful.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

At first I read your comment as he ironed his clothes on you and I was very confused as to why you found it funny and not excruciatingly painful.

#27- If it was because I phrased my comment wrong, then I do apologise. My English is starting to get a little rusty.

My dad would just say something along the lines of, "Your birth is the reason I drink anyway" to justify it.

Passive aggressive behavior can hurt more than words. I hope one day you and your father can work things out

bearbear120 27

I know you can order copies of your birth certificate. You might consider doing this so you can have one to keep it safe.