By clitty clitty bang bang - 13/04/2012 22:40 - United States - Brownsville

Today, after two years of vigorously fundraising on behalf of my senior class, they voted on spending the senior trip money at a waterpark. It's less than thirty minutes from where we all live. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 915
You deserved it 2 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh well, go to the water park and enjoy the shit out of it!

CozzySwag 2

At least you get to see hot girls in bikinis


If they just want to go to a waterpark then You should have plenty of money left if you were saving up for this huge trip.

That's what they do at my school too! And our water park is less thank 5 mins from our school and my home!

dancingbaaby 0

Go and have a great time. Waterparks are a blast. I live right near Dorney Park/Wildwater Kingdom. It's a lot of fun to go and spend the day getting soaked. Hopefully the day you go it will be sunny and hot, perfect waterpark weather. Now, the important part... PLEASE explain your user name!

rroughknight1 0

at leaat your going? our school is making us pay $50 to go to a ranch for the whole day... its like an hour away... we stay for 5 hours and do basically nothing except spend the day in the arcade

No good deed goes unpunished. Welcome to the real world.

I feel bad for you unless you live in Orlando.

doglover100 28

Hmm must suck at least try to have some fun ;)