By zcollins - 10/09/2013 15:52 - United States - Pleasanton

Today, my mother informed me that we are no longer taking my graduation trip to New York. Instead, she and her group of continuously drunk friends are going to Vegas because, "We could win the jackpot and take you on an even bigger trip to New York!" She's never won anything in her whole life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 355
You deserved it 3 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

moonsalt 20

Hopefully she'll forget this idea when she sobers up. I mean, I hope she's drunk. This is not a rational idea.

There's always a first time! Look on the bright side...


There's always a first time! Look on the bright side...

DFresh503 8

That's a risk OP's mom is willing to take

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

she could win, not necessarily win big. and op just because your mom has never won anything in her life doesnt mean she's doomed to fail in Vegas. honestly that statement has nothing to do with how big of a douche move your mom took. it was very selfish.

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Tonka2203 7

sucks, OP. Just the fact that it's your mum....

badluckdawson 19

Would it of made a difference if it was her dad?

chloem103 9

I think they mean it sucks that a PARENT could do that

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

Its funny how 2 got down voted but 46 got up voted for saying the same thing but just expanded on the topic a little more..

there was no need to post your comment though. :/

moonsalt 20

Hopefully she'll forget this idea when she sobers up. I mean, I hope she's drunk. This is not a rational idea.

If she wasn't drunk then, I can't imagine how horrible her ideas would be when she is…

10nachoman10 24

That sucks, look on the bright-side, if they do win the jackpot you'll have even more money! Bad luck OP

Hey there's always the possibility she'll win big right?....right?....

Well maybe she'll actually win this time! Fingers crossed

Better pack her some four leaf clovers, a rabbit's foot, and some lucky charms!

Don't you know casinos stock plenty of black cats, ladders, and mirrors to counteract wise guys like you?

cartoonboy 26

I do like a good rabbit's foot

PeaceIsFree 9

Well, it's really expensive in New York anyway...

myoukei 31

Depends on where in New York you go. Manhattan is going to cost you an arm and a leg. Queens? Not so much...

Who goes to NYC to go to Queens, though? Seriously, that's be a bigger FML than this one...

lonewolf658 6

13 in Queens you'd loose an arm and a leg as well...just not for expenses.

maybe long island.....ah hell who am I kidding? no one ever comes to long island :( unless of course its the hamptons then you'd probably lose that arm and leg

They could each sell an arm and a leg in Vegas, then they'd be set for a trip to Manhattan!

No I went to manhattan NYC spent like 3 grand

Tell her she has a better chance of getting struck by lightning or a meteorite.