By CheapFamily - 09/04/2014 23:47 - United States

Today, I graduated from Basic Training. I was really looking forward to seeing my family after being away for almost three months. They decided not to come to graduation because they didn't want to spend the money to travel here. They live 30 minutes away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 486
You deserved it 3 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

conman531 23

Congratulations and thank you for the service. They are missing out on seeing a real hero

strawberrywine22 30

Well, that's their loss. They'll regret it eventually, not that it helps now. You're doing a great thing and you deserve their respect.


That blows. Thank you for your service.

all his reasons for joining are now justified by his parents actions (or lack in this case). parents who don't support their kids.

JMichael 25

Yes, thank you for your service OP. Also if that's how your family wants to be then forget them. Family is about supporting each other and they're not much of one if they can't travel 30 minutes to see you graduate.

That is Bullshit. My family drove from Ohio to South Carolina for me. If they can't drive that far, **** them. you don't need them.

I agree 47.. Bullshit. My family came from Romania for my Basic Graduation! Man, I feel spoiled now.

just wanted to say #1, I love your name!

I agree my mother, brothers, and myself all came out from California to Carolina as well to see my sister.

rldostie 19

That sucks, OP. My mom went from CT to Ft. Sill for my graduation (but not my dad). It's hard when your family doesn't support you but you have a new family now! Hooah! Thank you for your service.

Gs, all these US references. My dad and stepmom drove from Windsor, ON, to CFB Cold Lake, AB, I thought that was quite the travel...

it doesnt matter where you are from, 30 mins away or a state away. if you love someone and want to be there for their success you will do what you can to be there for them.

THANK YOUR FOR YOUR SERVICE! And don't be sad, you have a huge military family now!! Soon it will be hard to connect with the civilians. Again thank you, I know its basic training so far but even that is more than some do, thanks!!

Only 30 minutes away? what da hell is wrong with his/her parents?

conman531 23

Congratulations and thank you for the service. They are missing out on seeing a real hero

My friend and I drove 10+ hours to see our friends graduate Basic Training and it was a very cool experience. We know that they were happy to see us. FYL, OP.

lexiieeex3 32

Don't pay any mind to them. You are a hero. Thank you for all you have done for our country and congratulations.

I'm sorry for your situation. Although you got an FML published out of the situation!

strawberrywine22 30

I don't know about the OP, but I'd rather have my family visit me than have a paragraph posted on a website.

lol true but I really doubt that OP cares. They only posted this because they wanted to share their experience with everyone.

hopefully you can visit your family soon if they cant come to you.

amberv61 22

It's not really a "can't". More of a "won't" I would say

the family chose not to go. it wasnt an issue of can or cant. it was an issue of whether they wanted to or not. they chose to do a terrible thing to such a great person.

rocker_chick23 27

They could have easily visited the OP, they chose not to.

strawberrywine22 30

Well, that's their loss. They'll regret it eventually, not that it helps now. You're doing a great thing and you deserve their respect.

I spent the last of my money to go see a friend graduate from MCRD in San Diego which was about 7 hours away from me. What a disrespect to the service you're going to provide for us.

its not even about the fact that he is going to provide a great service for our country. Graduating from anywhere is an important moment that family should be there for.

My family flew to my graduation from BCT, I flew to my best friends a few years later. You did a great job OP, now keep it up in AIT.

Well when the zombie apocalypse happens their asses are so not being saved by you and your team! Families can be such assholes.

You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends. And in an organisation like the armed forces, your brother in arms can become even closer than family. Thank you for your service.

I can see why you joined the service in the first place.

It's like graduation from high school. It only happens once. it will be their loss.

hippo1234 19

...I skipped my graduation...although my whole family was with me and we went on vacation...but it's four hours of people reading names off a list and everyone pretending they're friends.