By RheaDitto - 18/06/2019 01:08

Today, after sending and receiving hundreds of hints, I mustered up the courage to ask my best friend out. He completely ignored my words, and went on to tell me all about his mother's intestinal bug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 818
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's not even a worthwhile friend, let alone a good option for a boyfriend. Focus your attention elsewhere, while you decide if you want to maintain your friendship with him.

Why is he not a worthwhile friend? He was trying to get out of an awkward situation, so he breezed past it to talk about something else. That new topic was also extremely awkward, but in a way less focused on him. The problem with 'hints' is that they can be totally misinterpreted or invented out of thin air. OP thought that she was being obvious and that her friend was reciprocating but he din't notice and was just being friendly. Should they eventually have a conversation about it? Of course, but the friend panicking in the moment doesn't make the friend a worthless human who should be ignored. Not that OP needs to stay friends with her crush for any reason, but we shouldn't be so judgmental over something that, as described, is a minor social faux pas at worst. This is a story where OPs life sucks and there's no one to really blame for it.


He's not even a worthwhile friend, let alone a good option for a boyfriend. Focus your attention elsewhere, while you decide if you want to maintain your friendship with him.

Why is he not a worthwhile friend? He was trying to get out of an awkward situation, so he breezed past it to talk about something else. That new topic was also extremely awkward, but in a way less focused on him. The problem with 'hints' is that they can be totally misinterpreted or invented out of thin air. OP thought that she was being obvious and that her friend was reciprocating but he din't notice and was just being friendly. Should they eventually have a conversation about it? Of course, but the friend panicking in the moment doesn't make the friend a worthless human who should be ignored. Not that OP needs to stay friends with her crush for any reason, but we shouldn't be so judgmental over something that, as described, is a minor social faux pas at worst. This is a story where OPs life sucks and there's no one to really blame for it.

I hope you're this forgiving the next time one of your friends ignores what you have to say. OP may have mistaken his friendliness for something more, but there's no excuse to change the subject without even acknowledging it. I don't know how you feel when you're ignored, but I consider it to be rude and selfish on the other person's part, regardless of what they make the new topic of discussion about, which makes them worthless.

Like I said, the friend panicked. They don't feel the same way but don't want to hurt their friend and are young enough* to have this freak them out. It's not the nicest thing in the world, but it's not the end of the world either and with a later conversation it should be possible to smooth things over pretty quickly. *These two are obviously not adults. Adults don't rely on hints or freak out at the smallest rejection.

Hundreds? Did you drag this on for years?

bobsanction 18

Suck it up princess. You are not entitled to another persons affections.

Then he’s clearly not the one for you. Be with someone who doesn’t just hint, but tells you directly that he wants to be with you. Be patient, you’ll find that guy! I hope you can salvage your friendship. Even if he doesn’t have the same feelings for you, it’d be a bummer to lose your best friend. Good luck!

Yeah just means you’re friendzoned and just deal with it. He doesn’t want you as a partner but as a friend.

As someone who has ZERO interest in any gender romantically or sexually, yet has been frequently accused of flirting, it’s very possible you were reading things that weren’t there. Now it’s time to take his hint - he just wants to be friends.

Traveling_Book 9

How long did it take you to ask them out? If I was giving hints, and you never acted I’d just move on and forget it. Maybe he did the same and didn’t want to hurt your feelings.

randybryant799 20

Obviously you're just imagining he's interested.