By Morganisoverrated - 22/10/2018 15:30

Today, I was planning to ask a guy at school out since I had mustered up the confidence to finally tell him how I really felt. I ended up puking on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 988
You deserved it 357

Same thing different taste

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Heart: "I really like this guy. We could be so good together." Brain: "Go ask him out! The only thing that could go wrong is for him to say no." Stomach: "That's what you think."

That’s pretty common. Often, when I’d ask, girls would say the thought of going out with me makes them want to throw up.


Heart: "I really like this guy. We could be so good together." Brain: "Go ask him out! The only thing that could go wrong is for him to say no." Stomach: "That's what you think."

That might have changed the tone of that conversation slightly.

That’s pretty common. Often, when I’d ask, girls would say the thought of going out with me makes them want to throw up.

All the best love stories start with disaster What more could go wrong next time right

Sounds like a Stan and Wendy South Park episode.

PenguinPal3017 19

I guess he has to know you inside and out

Well I guess that's one way to break the ice 🤔😉

Since the sentence is broken up with full-stops, one can interpret that telling him how you really felt, ended up in a bj. Tip: Know your limits/gag reflex.