
By Anonymous - 18/06/2019 03:10

Today, I'm in my mid-twenties and just learned that I still start crying in confusing situations. I found this out by getting the wrong train in a foreign country, and then having the conductor come and tell me my ticket was only valid for the other direction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 751
You deserved it 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colderthanyou 15

Woman you have every reason to cry in that situation. I sure would

marcy_89 8

I’m 30 and I cry when I’m confused or nervous or angry. It happens.


marcy_89 8

I’m 30 and I cry when I’m confused or nervous or angry. It happens.

colderthanyou 15

Woman you have every reason to cry in that situation. I sure would

I think this is a situation that I would cry in too.

I cry in upsetting situations. It's just a natural reaction to an emotional time.

happens to me too. emotional is way better than dealing with it forcing self to not cry. hugs

randybryant799 20