By Emmz91 - 17/06/2019 23:03

Today, I tried keeping a surprise secret from my fiance. Turns out, under the influence of my sleeping tablets, which after I take them, I forget everything I've said, I spilled the beans. So much for the surprise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 615
You deserved it 303

Same thing different taste

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I would ask what else those tablets made you forget.

Let me guess; You're pregnant, you managed to hire his favorite band for your wedding, you found a long lost relative he wanted to re-connect with, you bought a new car, you're relenting on your "no strippers" rule for his bachelor party, or you learned that Trix aren't just for kids. Which one is it?


I would ask what else those tablets made you forget.

Basically anything that happens after I take them lol.

Let me guess; You're pregnant, you managed to hire his favorite band for your wedding, you found a long lost relative he wanted to re-connect with, you bought a new car, you're relenting on your "no strippers" rule for his bachelor party, or you learned that Trix aren't just for kids. Which one is it?