By ashlee - 31/08/2010 18:07 - United States

Today, after my husband's phone buzzed like crazy all morning, I decided to pick it up and see what all the fuss was about. He had three new picture messages from his "boss", naked and strapped to a chair with the caption, "Are you still coming over tonight?" We've been married for nine years and have two children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 486
You deserved it 4 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontTouchMe1548 0
ChristyCarnegie 0

Wow! Text her back and say, "Are you planning to breathe tonight *****" Omg I hope your husband gets major karma and his 'Boss' too.


It indeed sucks, what kind of man cheats on his wife, especially if they've been married for 9 years and have two kids, I mean come on. A real man never cheats on his girlfriend/fianceé/wife, NEVER.

Send those to your email, print them out, take them to a divorce lawyer, and take him for everything he's got. FYL :( that sucks.

I would print out large photocopies of her picture and write on it something about what a terrible boss she is to sleep with her employees or something along those lines, then send it in multiples to the company. She needs retribution for her actions, too. It's not like you can keep being married with kids a secret for nine years. He's an ass, too, but she had to know that she was ruining another woman's home and happiness. What a bitch!

wow ydi for not knowing all this time that your husband has been cheating on you.. is like working overtime a lot an indication of cheating

funzcpl 0

what a prick! and I'm sure his boss knows that he has a wife and kids so she's a grimey *****!! divorce him and kick her ass

asshole!!!!! and kik that bitchs ass! didnt she know you were married with kids?

what a sick little bitch! no excuse, kick his ass!!!!

HighOnCupcakes 0

...the boss IS a woman...right? cuz my mind has this crazy idea that its a man.

DomoLaDii 8

damn....leave him n tak everyting n save the txt