By bastardchild_01 - 17/10/2012 06:22 - United States - Baton Rouge

Today, after much reluctance due to fear of causing a huge debate, I finally posted something on Facebook about the presidential debates. However, the post sparked an argument with my mom's childhood best friend, that ended with her telling me that my dad isn't actually my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 182
You deserved it 3 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow! That was really immature and uncalled for! I'm sorry OP :-(

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Maybe she's just being a bitch.....? Sorry OP :( I occasionally post political things, and if someone is rude to me or degrades my opinion, I just unfriend them. What she said to you was completely uncalled for and I hope she wasn't serious.


Wow! That was really immature and uncalled for! I'm sorry OP :-(

Yea that was immature no matter what she thought your opinion is your opinion

What a bitch. I hope she sleeps well tonight. But on the other hand at least you know the truth. Your parents should have been the ones to tell you not her.

the_anti_hipster 7

Yeah! Homicide is definitely the rational thing to do here! No overreaction at all!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Maybe she's just being a bitch.....? Sorry OP :( I occasionally post political things, and if someone is rude to me or degrades my opinion, I just unfriend them. What she said to you was completely uncalled for and I hope she wasn't serious.

Political posts on Facebook lead to disaster because of the opposing opinions. I think those conversations should be discussed in private because people get emotionally.

43 as long as everyone acts like mature adults, understanding that each person has a differing opinion, then it should be okay. What happens though is some dumbshit grows a pair of balls and runs his or her mouth off pissing off a lot of people. So, politics is fine to discuss anywhere, just... Be an adult about the conversation.

People are so cruel when they don't have a proper comeback, FYL

Damn presidents always ruining everything!

I think the same rule about no talking about politics or religion at a bar/dinnder table, should also apply to facebook.

the_anti_hipster 7

I blame Bush. Everybody else does, I'm sure he had something to do with it.

wastland247 0

Just wait until you post something about the election.

He's not stupid, idiot. OP posted something about the DEBATE, not the ELECTION. The ELECTION is in November. Last time I checked, it's October. What scares me is that nobody thought about this.

Calm your caps man, it's just an question that formed from an opinion. This is where you can go to post those, although there may be opposing sides and even debates about the topic, there is no need for shouting, belittling, insulting, and no eyeball poking. May the best poster win.

The debate is about the election, so he is talking about the election. If you disagree then please tell me WHAT they are debating about.

Wrong. The debates have been about what they will do if they are elected/re-elected, which is NOT the same thing as debating about the election, and it sure as hell isn't the same thing as posting something on Facebook about the election. Debate about getting elected doesn't equal a debate about the election. The election hasn't happened yet, therefore they can't debate about it (as you can't debate about something that hasn't happened) , and therefore there is nothing to debate about, and there is nothing to post about it but 'I hope/I think/I want *insert name* to/will win!'

BeforeItWasCool 12

Ah, 59, everything I read by you is in Stewie's voice.

Sinkhole 26

So... they can't debate about the election because it hasn't happened yet, but they can debate about what they'll do if they get elected (something else that hasn't happened, and that won't happen for one of them)? A debate is just a discussion on a particular subject. It doesn't need to be something that has happened already. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to debate about the consequences of events.

****, okay, nevermind. I'll go back into my hole now. All I meant was he worded it badly, but meant: Wait until you post something the day of or after the election.

feldco1 17

That was way out of line. Pretty immature for an older woman.

joethebiden 8

How that conversation went from point A to point B is pretty mind-boggling.

OP: I believe that barack Obama will win OP's mom's best friend: screw you, your dad wasn't even your real father!!! Ron burgandy: well that escalated quickly

Sometimes it's best to keep political views to yourself. But I think that your moms friend went way overboard.

Definitely so. A Facebook post is the LAST place to bring that out into the open. How awful. Btw, Go Sharks!!

This is exactly why you should never, ever, for any reason, under any circumstances, use Facebook.

Considering OPs user name, is there anything else you would like to say Mr. Bastard, sir, that could shed some light on OPs paternity concerns?

Uh...I have no idea what you're talking about. Bastard is a very common last name! *emails Sirin to see about getting username changed*

It's just the general last name for all Bastards, perhaps...but I think I like Snow better.

DocBastard, you may be related to OP. [;

So your saying that OP is half puppy? Sounds legit