By loving grandaughter - 27/11/2010 11:28 - United States

Today, after months of cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner for my husband's grandmother due to her getting a hip replacement, I overheard her calling me a whore over the phone from the next room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 946
You deserved it 2 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you spit in her food next time. Or maybe put some "white substance" on the plate, who knows where it could have come from, you are a ***** after all...


planbsponserme 2

tell your husvand. he may feel sympathy for you.

i wouldn't be surprised...shes a HIPster now... get it?! hahahahha

iSitt 0

if her husband is 30-40 then his grandmother could be 80-90. does she have dementia? At that age, hip surgery could take many weeks to two months to heal.

It's obviously time to start doing very nasty things to her food... And don't forget to smile

says the person with no display picture

says the other person with no display picture (and says this person with no display picture......)

Says the other person with... Ok stop this shit.

So you spit in her food next time. Or maybe put some "white substance" on the plate, who knows where it could have come from, you are a ***** after all...

make her put her shoes on herself from now on. the flexion of the hip should be enough to make the hip pop out :p

ihatemylife1007 0

not to wreck your dream of being 3rd on a FML but your 5th not 3rd

Ive got to give it to you, not many people aspire to be third in life...and fail at that goal

joseph42424233 0

1st is the worst, 2nd is the best, third is the one with the treasure chest.

SmallTownCutie 0

39- I've always said hairy chest(:

happykate120 0

put something in her food next time. thatll learn her

abbeymcnally 0

Sorry, that error was too much for me to bear. That'll *teach* her.

@47 depends where you're from... some people say learn instead of teach... it's proper grammer for their location. :)

@47 depends where you're from... some people say learn instead of teach... it's proper grammer for their location. :)

That's what you get for trying to be a good person. From now on, slip a little "surprise" into her food. She won't be calling you a ***** when the ipekak gods have her hunched over the porcelain throne for half an hour.

traze 7

damm you beat me to it in a wordy way.

traze 7

Add laxative to her meal. That will show her who's a *****.

skyeyez9 24

Call her out on it and do NOT cook anymore for her. Let the bitch starve. You dont need to put up with her verbal abuse.