By Anonymous - 27/11/2015 15:52 - United States - Westerville

Today, after many years of being single, I finally worked up the courage to ask my coworker out. He said no and gave me "fair warning" that he's going to report me for sexual harassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 617
You deserved it 2 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't even want to imagine what he'd do if you accidentally brushed up against him

Unless you invited his sweet ass to an orgy, I don't see how on earth this could be warranted.


That is not sexual harassment , that's just asking for a date

asking somebody one time to go out does not constitute sexual harassment unless he works for you but you can ask him again and you can't really talk about it with him

You can blame feminism for this one, he's just trying to even the scales. Other way around and it's perfectly justified

From my experience most women pulling that stunt would be seen by their peers as a petty bitchcake, even if it was seriously investigated. So I'm assuming all the people going 'if it was the other way around everyone would summarily execute him and name her the new queen of the country' are saying that because that's what they themselves would do. Speak for yourself dude.

For those of you stating never to date a coworker I disagree. I'm going on nearly 30 years with my coworker and things couldn't be better. Granted, I am self employed but that's besides the point.

Better off without him... If he considers that sexual harassment, he is too stupid to waste your time with... Hopefully he stays single to keep his genes out of the gene pool.

ChrisMora 16

Today, that's what may qualify as "sexual harassment".

Asking ONCE is not sexual harassment. This egomaniacal little bitch needs to get over himself. If you repeatedly asked him and pressured or blackmailed him, like a lot of men do in the workplace, THAT would be harassment.

leogachi 15

@69 like a lot of *people do. No need to pin the blame solely on men.