By Lunar-Spice - 23/07/2019 04:05

Today, I asked one of the girls at work out on a date. She responded by filing a harassment complaint. Now, I can't speak to her at all without being written up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 507
You deserved it 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Needs more info. Clearly you might have done something for her to immediately file a report on you just for asking her out

Never date anyone that's a coworker. It's bad for you, bad for them, and bad for the company. If\when you break up, the animosity will make work suffer. Still dating and have a heated argument, again work suffers. Just bad all around.


Needs more info. Clearly you might have done something for her to immediately file a report on you just for asking her out

maybe the girl she asked out was straight ? maybe even a little homophobic ?

or maybe not. we need more info regardless before making a judgement call

Never date anyone that's a coworker. It's bad for you, bad for them, and bad for the company. If\when you break up, the animosity will make work suffer. Still dating and have a heated argument, again work suffers. Just bad all around.

LostSoul 19

Keep work and private life separate.

You never ask a coworker out unless you are absolutely sure she wants to go. Otherwise, you’re creating a “hostile work environment.”

Skydome6666 6

Although she may have overreacted I'd still say ydi. never date or even ask out people you work with

Mathalamus 24

This is why they have the saying "don't shit where you eat"

JFC, use tinder, not the company directory.

I think there is more to this than OP is sharing. It is not harassment to ask a coworker on a date, however it is harassment to ask said coworker out on a date repeatedly, not accepting no for an answer. The workplace has a strict one and done policy.