By Anonymous - 27/11/2015 15:52 - United States - Westerville

Today, after many years of being single, I finally worked up the courage to ask my coworker out. He said no and gave me "fair warning" that he's going to report me for sexual harassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 617
You deserved it 2 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't even want to imagine what he'd do if you accidentally brushed up against him

Unless you invited his sweet ass to an orgy, I don't see how on earth this could be warranted.


You lucked out that his douche said no. If anything he's building himself a reputation that he won't live down. Good luck finding a date with a decent person.

Somehow I think if the roles were reversed people would be taking the woman's side. Especially if he was older than her or creepy in any way.

Yeah, right? People ******* love the word creepy on this site.

Hell, a guy I know gets upset if he'll ask a girl to just hang out with and they say no. That much doesn't upset him, but they usually talk about how creepy he is, when in all actuality he's one of the sweetest guys I know. Sure his appearance may add a creep factor, but appearances aren't everything! Not like he can help what he was born with. I wish people gave others a chance instead of dismissing them, for the sake of forming a potential friendship or more, like in this case...well, unless the guy/girl comes off as stalkerish and obsessive.

I love how everybody's says op should go to HR to report this guy, but if the genders were switched (if op was a guy, and the co worker was a woman) he'd be getting so many YDIs. Seriously, op probably got rejected because the guy probably wanted to **** somebody else. Get over it.

I really don't think that would have happened if the genders were switched TBH.

Check your privilege female scum. Men are so oppressed in this country. The wage gap is a conspiracy made up by the illuminati and Obama so women would get "equal rights." Pfft! The only rights wimmynz need are their rights to get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwhich. The fact that I'm a virgin can't have anything to do with the fact that I'm a fat **** who does nothing but go online and argue, no! It's obviously a conspiracy against me for wimmynz to never sleep with me! I support men's rights!

Since when did asking out become a harassment

Since tumblr started bleeding into real life.

Geez... what a jerk. Follow up! What we're your exact words to him when you asked him out? And did he actually go to HR?

I think people are to sensitive these days and look for any reason to one up one another or screw someone else for their enjoyment. Its only normal to date or look to date a co worker cause most of us spend the majority of our lives at our job or jobs, just to survive and make a half decent life for ourselves. Honestly I recommend a date site for u.

The guy's reaction really comes across as something one would hear about on tumblr and that is rather frightening. People are way too oversensitive or full of themselves these days

Sathane 21

Oh, look! This actually happened to a girl this time for once.

Sathane 21

Exactly why my company doesn't allow any fraternization between employees. It's in the employment contract. If you want a relationship with a coworker, go work for another company. I don't need any of your relationship drama affecting my business image or productivity. 95% of the time it ends up with two employees being absolute dicks or scheduling difficulties because grown adults act like children and don't want to to be scheduled together. **** that.