By Anonymous - 27/11/2015 15:52 - United States - Westerville

Today, after many years of being single, I finally worked up the courage to ask my coworker out. He said no and gave me "fair warning" that he's going to report me for sexual harassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 617
You deserved it 2 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't even want to imagine what he'd do if you accidentally brushed up against him

Unless you invited his sweet ass to an orgy, I don't see how on earth this could be warranted.


yellowzinnias 20

Unless you asked him out by planting yourself on his desk and spreading your legs open to reveal your lack of underwear, I doubt his claim is going to go anywhere.

WTF, total douchebag. don't let that one get you down get out there

He's a bit dramatic within same work enviroment can be tricky. It can work though. I'm proof we've been together for ten years! Good luck op :)

momac86 17

Perhaps asking outside of the workplace may have been a better route

Publikwerks 14

Actually, stuff that happens outside of work can also be sexual harassment. I know, it sounds bullshit, but sexual harassment is about creating a hostile work environment. That can be done outside of working hours.

you found the reverse feminazi. i didn't even know that was a thing.

Asking a person on a single date isn't sexual harassment. Asking him overt and over and over and doodling his name on your desk blotter...then you might have an issue.

For all saying that the coworker going to HR is "no big deal", I must not work I corporate America. You can be fired for a mere complaint of sexual harassment. Companies have to pay big for sexual harassment suits, so it's definitely something that's taken seriously. Dating coworkers is not always allowed at companies, so before you start asking your coworkers out on dates, u should check to make sure that your job doesn't have policies against that. It's not worth it at then end of the day. I've seen employees forced to resign for dating on the job. So if that coworker was serious, I would be a lil worried.

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