By Cheer4Life - 11/11/2013 21:41 - United States - Bloomington

Today, after making several comments about how I didn't exactly look thin, my boyfriend said, "Well, at least we know you'll look good pregnant." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 134
You deserved it 10 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

These are the kind of reactions you can expect when you make comments about weight...sorry :/

rhcpgurl 18

At least he was trying to make a compliment. Keyword: Trying.


This is why you shouldn't keep trying to fish for compliments. Sooner or later someone's gonna stop trying to disagree with you.

NSN82 13

Not every girl who complains about her body is fishing for compliments. I used to complain about my weight to my boyfriend all the time. I wasn't fishing for compliments. I honestly thought I was fat and had nearly developed an eating disorder. If my boyfriend had said something like that to me I probably really would have had an eating disorder. Stop bashing OP when you don't even know the whole story.

Don't you know? Women aren't allowed to comment on their appearance in any negative way to any male in their life lest they be fishing for compliments rather than just confiding in the person they love.

nannygirl1990 6

right? I hate that! I hate the idea that I might be fishing for compliments but sometimes I do just make comments that could be construed that way even when that wasn't my intention. and sometimes I do just need the extra reassurance it's normal. I don't do it a lot but luckily I found a guy who understands this and loves me enough to not attack me like half the people on here would

mayley 16

Just use it as the motivation to get thinner if that's the goal you're after!

It's so annoying when people try to say "I'm fat" "I'm ugly" "I wish skinny" and stuff like that just to get complements so YDI for trying to fish for complements. But also FYL because he didn't try to disagree.

nannygirl1990 6

actually that's kinda sweet. he's trying to compliment. sure its not exactly what you want to hear but he still thinks you're attractive. my husband has given similar compliments and I took them at that because I realize he means it when he says he likes the way I look.

Don't bitch and complain about your weight then. Boom no more comments about it lol

You were clearly fishing for compliments. I hate entitled girls like you. He probably said that on purpose to shut your stupid ass up.

1.) To me, it sounded like OP's boyfriend was the one to bring up the topic of her weight, not OP herself. Therefore she wasn't fishing for compliments. 2.) Women are, in fact, allowed to talk to their boyfriends about their insecurities without "fishing for compliments". So maybe you should shut YOUR "stupid ass" up.

hatemyluck 15

But I don't think the boyfriend was even mean. I don't get why everyone is acting like he said a bad can someone please explain how it's bad? I read it as op saying she's not thin and her boyfriend saying that she looks good as a big person.

He said you look good and you say fml? Really?

Aww give the guy a break he was trying to compliment you! You did put him in a really awkward position and he tried to make the best of it! Looks like you've got a keeper. you look good? Is that what you're bitching about?