By Noname - 17/02/2009 08:30 - Canada

Today, I told my boyfriend that I was afraid our future children would be fat and ugly. He reassured me, saying that he was sure our spawn would take on after him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 859
You deserved it 13 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did he actually use the word "spawn"? That's awesome.

Starcatch77 20

So if the babies had been ugly in the "baby maker" or whatever, would you have dumped him??


did he actually use the word "spawn"? That's awesome.

yeah that was definitely a joke. and i think you knew that before you posted it on here.

I would not take anything like that seriously. Why would he date you or want to have kids with you if you are ugly to him?

alwaysalady 0

Before I married my husband, I did a baby - maker online. The kids were cute, I married him. We had kids, and they are cute. Try the baby maker, then decide.

Starcatch77 20

So if the babies had been ugly in the "baby maker" or whatever, would you have dumped him??

You fat *****. Go buy a Wii Fit and lose some damn weight!

#4 Some couples talk about marriage, in which case, children isn't a scary subject. Furthermore, you deserve better. That's horrible. Unless he was kidding. I would honestly confront him on it. Tell him what he said seriously hurt you. He MAY have been kidding. At least, I HOPE he was.

Unless he knows you are self-conscious about your looks, I wouldn't worry about it. He may just be blessed with the smart-ass gene.

arienh4 0

Seriously, it's just a joke. How are jokes FML worthy?