By Cheer4Life - 11/11/2013 21:41 - United States - Bloomington

Today, after making several comments about how I didn't exactly look thin, my boyfriend said, "Well, at least we know you'll look good pregnant." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 134
You deserved it 10 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

These are the kind of reactions you can expect when you make comments about weight...sorry :/

rhcpgurl 18

At least he was trying to make a compliment. Keyword: Trying.


Maybe this'll teach you not to fish for compliments...

Uh, what? I read the FML and it doesn't sound like the OP is fishing for compliments at all. 1.) Firstly, it never even states that she was the one who made the initial comments about not looking thin. Grammatically, that doesn't even make sense. It would have to say "Today, after I made several comments about how I didn't exactly look thin..." The structure of the sentence suggests that it was the boyfriend who made the comments. "Today, after making several comments about how I didn't exactly look thin, my boyfriend said, "Well, at least we know you'll look good pregnant." " I.e. the boyfriend is the subject of the sentence. 2.) Yeah, it could just be using incorrect/confusing grammar and it was her who made the comments. Why assume she was fishing for compliments? Imagine another scenario. Girl looks sad. Boyfriend asks what's wrong. Girl says 'nothing's wrong'. Instantly, that comment would be construed as her being passive aggressive or whatever. But in this case maybe he asked if she was okay and she said that she was feeling a bit sad over her weight. And suddenly that means she's fishing for compliments. Well, I've always thought the best thing to do is to be open and communicate with your partner! But clearly women can't ever have a sad moment or feel a bit insecure because they're 'fishing for compliments'! FFS, y'all. Couples are meant to share how're they're feeling, the good and the bad. Ugh, people just need to stop hating on the OP when they don't know the full story or the context.

the dynamic of the grammar suggests otherwise

Like I said, it could work either way, but practically every commenter jumped to conclusions. Which is unfortunate when there are many other conclusions that could be drawn from it. I happened to read it in a completely different way to you and the other commenters, #122.

I really don't see the issue here. if you're not thin he shouldn't have to lie and say you are. it doesn't mean he doesn't think you%2

I really don't see the issue here. if you're not thin he shouldn't have to lie and say you are. it doesn't mean he doesn't think you're beautiful.

If it's any help, I think chubby's cute. But call me old fashion I guess cx

More of a compliment than an insult :p Least you know he thinks you look good.

It's nice to know he thinks about plans for you two in the future but the comments are uncalled for

Dranide 4

Ydi because your not confidint

I think it's proof that he's clumsy more than malicious. I mean he said that OP would look good pregnant, which means he likes the way she looks now, thin or not. I don't think you should hold it against him OP, I'm quite clumsy with complements myself so sometimes when I think I'm being nice to someone, they actually take what I say as a criticism or even an insult. It seems to me that that's what's happened to you, he thought he was being nice, but it didn't come out that way for you.

If I was a girl I would've taken this as a compliment, he's saying even if you gain a little more weight you're still beautiful. Cheer up OP, it was a compliment hidden by some very poor word choice