By IMayBeAFool - 13/10/2009 06:38 - United States

Today, after I'd spent $3,000 dollars in preparations to move in with my girlfriend of 2 and 1/2 years, she confessed she's a mental patient who stole someone else's identity. She was telling the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 251
You deserved it 3 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After you spent two and a half years with this broad, how could you not notice she was a mental patient? Not only that, but if it took you THIS LONG to notice, what difference does it make if she is or isn't? As far as spending that much money to move in with YOUR GIRLFRIEND... well you're just a moron for that. No sympathy deserved.

greenltrn2003 0


But if you haven't noticed her crazy then what is the problem? Stolen identity aside, she is still your girlfriend.

avcureton_101 0

OMG that is hi-larious!! wow that really sucks though, but more funny than not!

So what? That doesn't change your relationship. I mean, she could have never confessed, as many many many other people in the world would do. Besides, almost everyone has a ******* mental problem these days, or think they do.

The real question is this... Does she f*ck so good you're on top of it?

Dude, that sucks.. Try this so cheer you up: Free stuff, so you don't threw away $3000 for nothing. Pretend you used it on those free stuff from that website ;)

N E I . . Not Enuff Info . . . LOTS missing; How does it cost $3,000 to move in with someone?!? Are you moving across the country? Have you actually met her?!?!? Or are you getting a place for the 2 of you to live together? Is she currently a mental patient or is she telling you about her past? If current, is she on medication?? Is the identity you know her as the one she stole or her real one? You have NO ****** way to know when she's lying to you. Why assume the ID theft story is the truth?!? If she's got 2 IDs, are you doing a 3-way with them?!?!

skyeyez9 24

wow, this is insane..but probably not as much as your girlfriend is haha lame. but OP how did you not notice this?

Was the other identity hot? Dude, three-way!