
By Goodtimes - 01/10/2019 20:01

Today, I had to dump my girlfriend because of tons of trust issues that kept reappearing. Shortly afterwards, my credit card disappeared and I got to experience my first identity theft. All within 24 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 884
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trust issues seem to be the least of her problems. Good luck getting that dealt with!

I hope you mean EX-girlfriend! Whoa! How did I do that?!?


Trust issues seem to be the least of her problems. Good luck getting that dealt with!

I hope you mean EX-girlfriend! Whoa! How did I do that?!?

And she can now enjoy experiencing our criminal justice system and our prison system. Do NOT go soft on her. Report the card STOLEN immediately, file a report with the police so they can catch her using it on video at the places she used it. Lock her ass up, you'll be doing someone else a favor in the future as Maybe she'll learn not to **** with people or you go to jail.