By Tallulah - 29/07/2011 06:56 - United Kingdom

Today, after eating out with my boyfriend, we went for a drive, but ended up getting into an argument. I reached back to grab my bag and storm out of the car. He thought I was trying to take the restaurant's doggy bag and lunged at me. My boyfriend would rather save chicken than our relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 433
You deserved it 6 564

Same thing different taste


shadowkk 1

Why would you want him save the relationship if you are the one running out? You are a controlling person forcing him to do something he doesn't want, using dirty tricks. He is the *man* of respect for not falling for that.

justbigbs 6

Yes if you can't cook I would save the bag too!

I would do the same but only to piss of my bf

lisha88 1

never touch the food!!! lol

did he say that's what he was doing or did you assume? maybe he just wanted you to stay and discuss shit.

SpRiTzSpLaSh 7

I would've love to see the look on his face.

justcallmezombie 0

lmao the chicken taste better

Reks360 2

Chicken rocks, all i got to say lady

Wow, time to break up with that retard

if I was ur bf I would show u how that date should have ended